16 Classic Amp & Stomp Box Models |
Fender Twin Reverb' 65 |
VOX AC30 / 6TB |
This is the tube combo amp often called the "Black Panel". Its clean sound is characterized by flamboyant highs.
This Class A tube combo amp is representative of the 1960s Liverpool sound created by such bands as The Beatles and The Shadows. Its major appeal is unclouded straightforward sound.
ROLAND Jazz Chorus
Marshall JCM800 |
Famous combo amp made in Japan. The uncolored clean sound shows what's possible with solid state designs, with the spacious built-in chorus being another highlight.
A tube stack amp favored by many hard rock guitarists. Great treble plus a solid low end guarantee powerful sound.
Fender Tweed Deluxe '53 |
A compact tube combo amp that's representative of the Fender Tweed series. Its dry distortion and characteristic cabinet sound made it a favorite with many blues legends.
Combo amp noted for its extended midrange and long sustain. A mainstay of fusion guitarists, from Santana to Larry Carlton.
Marshall JCM2000 |
MESA/BOOGIE Dual Rectifier
Flexible stack amp that covers a wide range of genres. Traditional Marshall sound combines power with rich harmonics, but sharp metallic distortion is also possible.
High-gain stack amp with two rectifier circuits (silicone diode and vacuum tube) gives punchy metallic drive sound, great for hard modern rock. |
BOSS OD-1 Overdrive Pedal
The high-gain tube stack made famous by Eddie Van Halen. Produces tight bass and detailed distortion.
Overdrive with mild, richly nuanced distortion in the manner of a fully driven tube amp. Popular as a booster for giving backbone to a stack amp.
Marshall Guv'nor Overdrive Pedal
Stomp box that recreates the distortion of a Marshall amp. Popular among hard rock guitarists as an easy way to get Marshall sound.
Tube preamp for creating that MATCHLESS amp quality. Fat and punchy drive sound brings out the picking nuances.
Dallas-Arbiter FUZZ FACE Pedal
BOSS MT-2 Distortion Pedal
Gutsy low bass and long sustain are the hallmarks of this fuzz effect. Made famous by the legendary Jimi Hendrix. The panel design resembling a face also was a unique touch.
A distortion pedal with real wild metal character and fat midrange. Go for the ultra long sustain.
Zoom Extreme Distortion
Zoom Digital Fuzz
Stressing the digital edge, this ZOOM original pulls out all the stops when it comes to distortion. Get the strongest high-gain sound in the world.
Another ZOOM original, this digital fuzz effect will go places where analog simply can't follow. Its "broken" quality ushers in a new fuzz generation. |
| G2: Taking multi-effects to the next level |
Conventional floor-type multi-effect processors are designed to sound good when they are plugged into a guitar amp. Modeling processors are designed for recording in line. Until now, there was no product that could handle both scenarios with equal finesse. Introducing the G Series from Zoom. G2 pedal offers two algorithms: One for live and one for recording. The sound you created at practice or in the studio can now be brought straight to the stage. Or take the sounds you worked out during a rehearsal and apply them seamlessly in the recording studio. Your creative scope has suddenly doubled.
| 96 kHz sampling brings out authentic sounding tube amp harmonics |
Everyone knows that the sound of tube amplifiers is the ultimate in guitar tone. By employing high-accuracy sampling at 96 kHz, G2 pedal faithfully model these sonic properties, right up to the highest harmonic register. Dynamic range is also excellent, thanks to 24-bit A/D/A conversion. These extremely high levels of digital processing also make your playing sound cleaner and clearer thanks to the fast processing speeds.
| ZFX-3: A new-generation DSP from ZOOM |
The heart of any multi-effect device is its processor and decoder section. Zoom has reached a new level with its newly developed ZFX-3 chip. 32-bit architecture ensures smooth and detailed signal processing. Accuracy and speed bring out the character of your instrument without restrictions.
| 54 high-quality effects made possible by 32-bit processing |
A total of nine effects modules are included, including dynamics, ambience, drive, and modulation. Together they offer 54 types of effects. The Harmonized Pitch Shifter lets you play along in key. Use long delays or multi-tap delay of up to 5000 milliseconds. Select dynamic flanger and have the effect level controlled by picking intensity. Select from three types of modulation waveforms for the tremolo. A multitude of high-performance choices opens up totally new territory in this class. Touch up the harmonic register with the six-band equalizer. The cabinet simulator gives a choice of mic positions. The G Series has in incredible level of flexibility and the ability to create an awesome array of great tones.
| Latest modeling technology supports 16 different drive sounds |
By digitally simulating the clipping action of analog devices such as tubes and diodes, the G Series faithfully duplicates the distortion of tube amps and vintage effects. This includes not only the superficial sound character but also elements such as depth and dynamics. As you start using the G Series, you will be amazed by the realistic balance between fundamental notes and harmonics that is essential to a great analog tone. |
看的有霧煞煞嗎?不過老師是吉他手,不是英文老師...,這些東西都是外來資訊,自己如果英文不好得多加強些喔!!這台是2005年出產的,相信很多人已經有過使用經驗,對我而言,這東西我之前看都不看,因為手邊比他屌的效果器太多,買他做啥???這是我對小型綜合效果器一貫嗤之以鼻的心態,因為早期接觸過一些諸如此類的效果器,都覺得聲音很假,當然,這完全是處理器的問題,不過時代日新月異,也徹底打破我對這種"小"東西的看法,才700 g重,稱它小一點也不為過,簡直和玩具一樣,一切都從Angra吉他手 Kiko Loureiro 去年台北講座說起。
當天他使用的機絲很簡單,一台CryBaby的Wah Wah和Zoom G1,音箱使用的是Marshall JCM-2000 preamp+JCM-900的cab,可是出來的聲音卻非常好聽,當時有注意到他使用的是破音channel,相信很多人都知道,有些搭配,不一定要用clean channel,可是也沒想太多,畢竟amp很屌,出來的tone不至於太差,而且又是出自於一位大師級吉他手,不過卻讓我開始注意這個小玩意兒,直到自己試過之後,徹底打破我對這種小型數位效果器的看法。
我買東西,尤其是效果器,所有的宣傳DM對我而言都是沒作用的,一定得自己試過,憑自己的專業去判斷東西好不好,所以當初上市,雖然號稱是Live/Recording兼顧的效果器,甚至於有人說他是窮人的POD XT,處理器32位元,聲音取樣96KHz,16種名機前級模擬,54種effect...,我看都沒去看,就一如我對Boss的破音一樣反感,況且手邊效果器一堆,不管單顆或rack,實在是對這沒啥興趣,自然學生問起時也不會去推薦,畢竟沒用過的東西,加上以往印象不佳,更何況錄音我有POD XT Pro,做Live有一堆單顆Pedal,用它做啥???現在想起來覺得自己很好笑,不能再用以往印象來看這些新東西,要跟彈吉他一樣不斷update才是。
去年最後一個月的某一天,去海國上課時順便買了它,雖然我知道網路上有更便宜的價錢,不過都是水貨,況且公司貨價錢和水貨比起並不會貴到哪去,或許大家會覺得沒差,但很多事情都是不怕一萬只怕萬一,真的有需要保固維修的服務時,就知道當孤兒的可憐了,買的時候只要注意機器底部有無代理商海國樂器的貼紙,如果沒有就是水貨,網路上賣3,990的那些都是水貨,要注意喔!!當天上課就開始玩它內建的鼓節奏機,有40種節奏,教學很好用,先試用工廠設定音色上課,真正好好調tone和研究是回家以後的事情,我發現真是非常簡易操作和使用方便,選到自己喜歡的破音或clean,EQ隨便修修都可達到不錯的音色,不像以往的這種效果器,聲音怎麼修都很難聽,前級模擬也表現頗具水準,所以當晚就帶它去Pub上班了,再搭配單顆Wah Wah和音量踏板到,到現在,我的單顆就先讓它離開車後行李箱了,目前都放在家裡跟其他單顆一起積灰塵中,原本很急著想買POD FBV踏板也暫緩,再加上最近年底旺季,我們Hot Shock樂團外場很多,Zoom G2不管裝或收都很方便,簡直就覺得自己以前做Live都帶十幾顆單顆出門跟白吃一樣,重不說,常常會因為線的接觸不良或氧化而煩惱,每次裝收都是我最後一個...,尤其要趕場時或穿插演出時簡直是夢魘,真是他X的覺得吉他手真命苦...,另外我和手邊其他單顆或效果器比較過,聲音96KHz的取樣和32位元的CPU真不是蓋的,更不用說54種effect的實用性,簡單說,Zoom G2絕對是一個俗又大碗的效果器,科技日新月異進步下的新產物。
瘋狂吉他手 小柏